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Richard Bryant

Chartered Financial Planner

I have been in the industry since 1987 (age ten, obviously) via the circuitous route of Physics at University, a spell as a croupier, and running a camera shop. I have always looked to follow a science-based approach to financial planning to ensure that your investments and planning will be as efficient as possible.

I studied and gained qualifications as soon as they came in and have held the highest level of Chartered status since 2009. The no less important part is to make sure it all makes sense to you, and I remember a saying from a colleague in my early days that “if you don’t understand, it is my fault”.

Many clients have known me for many years or have found me through a long-standing connection, and that is a great way to start a planning relationship. To this day, it gives me great pleasure if I can help take you from money confusion to clarity and “that’s alright then”.

I like to spend my spare time watching Manchester United, and before you accuse me of being a Surrey Manc, I lived there and watched them in the Second Division. Age has well and truly been given away now. Skiing is another passion, also Formula 1, birdwatching and photography. Oh yes, and cars.